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donderdag 25 mei 2006

060521 Death by Bugs Sweety uit: "Dolle Maandag speelt: Mortimer"
(A) AtematicA

060523 Operatie Studiomaster @ Signalsproductions: BIG thnx 2 Signals
(A) AtematicA

060520 It's raining lightening
(A) AtematicA

060520 Archway to the Cirkus
(A) AtematicA

060520 "I'm at the church and I've come to claim you with my camera" #097
(A) AtematicA

060520 "Amber rain is beautifull and wet" #002
(A) AtematicA

zaterdag 20 mei 2006

060422 Barbieplaat@Enschede BATA 2006 Trifonius en Lokaal '99
(A) AtematicA

060430 "Ik ben de clutch kwijt" meldde de parkeerpolitie. AtematicA bracht beiden weer tezamen.
(A) AtematicA

13 juni 2006 New Sonic Youth album "Rather Ripped" Back to the Kim-Thurston-Lee-Steve setup.
(A) AtematicA

vrijdag 12 mei 2006

Please Do Care!

alara --- hardnoise/powernoise
--- karinwiegeraad/floydraynor
--- haus arafna, slogun, wolf ase do care!eyes, genocide
organ, november növelet en merzbow
--- nihilisme, minimalisme en misantropie
--- http://www.myspace.com/alaranoise


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