060924 groeten uit Varik
Festival Spelen met Geometrie
-In de voetsporen van Da Vinci-
Van vrijdag 22 september tot en met zondag 1 oktober
In het Veerhuis te Varik een 10 daags belevings festival.
Workshops, expositie Architectuur en Geometrie, geometrische belevingskunst,
lezingen en meer moois.
"Crowded room on a frozen lake, Hasil Adkins talking to William Blake, swapping spit and telling lies, copper pennies covering up their eyes"
Hellwood is Johnny Dowd, Jim White, and Willie B; three distinct
songwriter/musicians brought together by years of friendship, mutual respect, and camaraderie. You may be familiar with the individuals involved and their separate contributions within the outsider diaspora; those un-navigated waters beyond the perimeter of everything ordinary and sanitary that is the modern industrialized music industry.
Recorded in a cabin in central New York, in a room with walls covered in newspaper clippings of musician obituaries, "Chainsaw of Life" is something greater than the sum of its already compelling parts. Taken as a whole, it transcends the trio's individual output for accessibility. Johnny Dowd's grizzlier edges have been tempered. Jim White's intricate soundscapes have been knocked about and roughed up. Willie B's instrumental exotica has been dragged out of the closet and onto the street.
Johnny and Jim are master storytellers and this album is a compendium of a world abandoned by both God and The Devil - a disillusioned couple contemplate suicide to remedy a loveless marriage; con-men use religion to control and steal; a soldier runs away from battle and his best friend dies as a result. Much like Dowd and White's recent film, "Searching For The Wrong-eyed Jesus", this is a travelogue through a hidden America that these
writers know intimately.
When Hellwood hits the road, they will be backed on keyboards by Mike Stark (currently in the Dowd band and Tzar, his duo with Willie B). "Chainsaw of Life", due to contractual obligations, will only be available in Europe.
Source: Munich Records
- lyrics quoted from "Alien Tongue" by Johnny Dowd used without permission